Model Machine weight *1 (cabin /canopy) Operating weight *2 (cabin /canopy) SPECIFICATIONS


3920 3860

KX018-4 1720 / 1620 1795 / 1695 0.041 / 0.035 D902-E4-BH

kg kg

m 3

Bucket capacity, std. SAE/CECE

Model Type

Water-cooled, diesel engine E-TVCS

PS (kW) / rpm PS (kW) / rpm

16.0 (11.8) / 2300 15.8 (11.6) / 2300

Output ISO14396 *3 Output ISO9249 NET *3 Number of cylinders


3 72 × 73.6 898 Diesel fuel conforming to EN 590 / HVO conforming to EN 15940

Bore × Stroke Displacement Fuel* 4

mm cc



mm mm mm mm mm mm mm deg

990 / 1300

Overall width

Overall height ( Cabin / Canopy ) Overall length Ground clearance Dozer size (width × height) Rubber shoe width Minimum front swivel radius Boom swing angle (left / right)

2350 / 2330 3710

Lift Point Radius



990 / 1300 × 230

Lift Point


1490 75 / 60 Variable displacement pump

Lift Point Height

P1, P2


Flow rate Hydraulic pressure

/min MPa (kgf/cm 2 )

1230 1590

21.6 (220)

1230 1590


27.7 21.6 (220) 20.6 (210) 10.4 Gear pump


Axis of Rotation 1080


Flow rate Hydraulic pressure

/min MPa (kgf/cm 2 ) /min MPa (kgf/cm 2 )


Hydraulic System

Max. flow rate

Auxiliary (AUX)

Max. hydraulic pressure

8.3 (840)

Max. digging force

Arm Bucket

kN (kgf)


15.9 (1620)

kN (kgf)

3920 3860

Hydraulic reservoir (full)


3920 3860

2.2 / 4.0

Max. travelling speed (low / high)

km/h kPa (kgf/cm 2 ) rpm

26.5 (0.27) / 25.5 (0.26) 9.1

Ground contact pressure (cabin / canopy) Swivelling speed

Unit: mm


Fuel tank capacity

LwA (2000/14/EC) LpA Digging Levelling Driving Idling

dB (A) dB (A)

93 78

Noise level

Hand arm system (ISO 5349-2:2001)

m/s 2 RMS m/s 2 RMS m/s 2 RMS m/s 2 RMS m/s 2 RMS m/s 2 RMS m/s 2 RMS m/s 2 RMS

<2.5 <2.5 <2.5 <2.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5

Vibration* 5

Whole body (ISO 2631-1:1997)

Digging Levelling Driving Idling

* 1 With 32.5 kg Kubota original bucket, full tanks, rubber shoe. * 2 Machine weight + 75 kg operator. * 3 With diesel fuel comforming to EN590. * 4 Note that HVO has lower density than diesel fuels. * 5 These values are measured under specific conditions at maximum engine speed and can deviate, depending on the operating status.

Lift Point Radius

Lift Point Radius


Lift Point

Lift Point

kN (t)

Cabin, rubber version

Lifting point radius (2.5m) Over-front

Lifting point radius (max) Over-front

Lift Point Height



Lift Point Height

Blade Down

2.2 (0.22) 2.5 (0.26) 3.0 (0.31) 2.9 (0.30) Blade Up

Blade Down

- - 2.1 (0.21) - Blade Up

Lift Point Height

- - 2.4 (0.24) -

- -

2.0m 1.5m 1.0m 0m

2.2 (0.22) 2.5 (0.26) 3.0 (0.31) 3.6 (0.37)

2.2 (0.22) 2.2 (0.22) 2.8 (0.29) 2.8 (0.29)

2.2 (0.22) 2.2 (0.22)

Axis of Rotation

Axis of Rotation

*The lifting capacities are based on ISO 10567 and do not exceed 75% of the static tilt load of the machine or 87% of the hydraulic lifting capacities of the machine. **The excavator bucket, hook, sling and other lifting accessories are not included on this table.

* Working ranges are with Kubota original bucket, without quick coupler. * Specifications are subject to change without notice for purpose of improvement.

★ All images shown are for brochure purposes only. When operating the excavator, wear clothing and equipment in accordance to local legal and safety regulations.

KX18-4_201 KX18-4_2 SEATBELT

KUBOTA (U.K.) LTD Dormer Road,Thame, Oxfordshire, OX9 3UN, U.K.

KUBOTA Baumaschinen GmbH Steinhauser Straße 100

D-66482 Zweibrücken Germany Telefon : (49) 0 63 32 - 487 - 0 F a x : (49) 0 63 32 - 487 - 101

Phone : 01844-268140 Fax :01844-216685


0.5 2

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