PERFORMANCE Got a tough job? Get a KX042-4 α . It has the power and versatility to handle the toughest jobs with ease and efficiency, thanks to digging and lifting performance, AUX oil flow with proportional flow control, auto idling, auto-shift, float position and a wealth of other productivity enhancements, Kubota’s system that lowers fuel consumption to save you money.

Kubota Original DI Engine with CRS and DPF Muffler Kubota Original DI Engine equipped with CRS and DPF, Kubota’s direct-injection engines are now fully Stage-V compliant. The new and improved DPF reduces maintenance by increasing the service intervals for both the regeneration filter and ash cleaner.

AUX oil flow with proportional flow control Thumb-operated switches provide quick and easy proportional flow control for AUX1 and AUX2.

Auto idling system Save fuel with Kubota’s Auto Idle. When the control levers are in neutral for more than 4 seconds, the engine RPM automatically idles. Move any control lever and the engine RPM immediately returns. This innovative feature reduces noise and exhaust emissions while reducing operating costs. Float position You don’t need to adjust the dozer height to make a clean ground surface—after backfilling, just travel backward along the covered ditch with the dozer in the float position. The float function is standard making ground-finishing work fast and easy!

Left control lever

Right control lever

Auto-shift The auto-shift system enables automatic travel shift from high to low depending on traction effort and terrain. This gives smoother simultaneous operations when dozing and turning.

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