Step into the biggest cab in its class and settle in for hours of comfort, convenience, and efficiency. The KX030-4’s wide and relaxing cab offers all of the functions and amenities you need to keep you working in comfort all day long, including excellent visibility, easy-open front slide window, a relaxing adjustable suspension seat, and a new forward-mounted intuitive panel for better visibility.

Easy-open front slide window

Relaxing suspension seat The KX030-4’s supremely comfortable reclining suspension seat helps you work longer with less strain and fatigue. The seat also offers weight compensation and adjustable wrist rests. Bigger cabin interior With the largest cab in its class, the KX030-4 offers a generous amount of foot space for improved comfort, as well as a tall and wide door to facilitate faster and easier entry and exit from the cab.

Unlike many excavator windows, the front glass window of the KX030-4 opens with ease. Just flip the latches on the window

sides and slide it up. A gas-assist mechanism makes this action almost effortless.

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